Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Tinder Tales: Funeral Edition

Last week I went on a date (or was it a date?) with a Tinder suitor that I have been talking to for about two weeks. After a week of texting we had made plans to meet, unfortunately, my grandma suffered a stroke and I had to postpone.

During the week that my grandma was in the hospital he kept in touch. He would ask about my grandma, and text me late a night (I slept at the hospital the whole time my grandma was there.) Of course, I took that as a great sign, heck, he seemed to care, right?

So last week we finally re-scheduled… we made plans to go to the movies, laid-back enough I thought. The first red flag should’ve been the fact that he was 30 minutes late. I mean, he only lives about 5 minutes away from my house. His excuse… “oh I’m running on Mexican time LOL.” hmmmm, OK!

The car ride wasn’t awkward, the movie was fun (well, scary since we watched Annabelle.) After the movie, we decided to hit up a bar nearby. I sensed that we were both having a great time. We danced, we people watched, laughed, exchanged stories. All signs of a successful date, or so I thought.

After our bar adventure, he dropped me off back home. I asked him to please text me to make sure he got home ok, and when he did we exchanged this convo:

The following days his texts were sporadic, it was more of him replying to my texts. We had made plans for him to accompany me to a networking event taking place in San Francisco the following Monday. I hadn’t really heard from him the rest of the week/weekend so; I casually texted him on Sunday asking if he was still down to go to the event. Anyway, he replied saying that he was still down to go, but he had a funeral to attend so he was working out the times. I mean, no offense but funeral arrangements don’t happen overnight.

So the day of the event he texted me this:

Insert my WTF face… my last response was, “no worries, is all good.” I mean, what was I supposed to say? I shared the screenshot with several friends, and the general consensus was the same…he gave me a sad excuse so I wouldn’t be mad. In all reality, he could’ve just said, hey, I don’t want to go, and I don’t want to see you again. It puzzles me as to how men go about this. It truly is quite simple, the excuses and lies are emotionally draining for both the one coming up with them, and the person on the other end.

After the last text exchange I quickly deleted the thread of text messages, his phone number, and unmatch him from tinder. Again, it truly is quite simple, no need to lie...men, please take note.

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